First of all, i would like to apologize because I mistakenly posted that the challenge was "NON-LIVE" in my post at TC. It was a mistake on my part and I realized it about an hour ago. Now, most of you know how hard I try to be the fairest host I can be, so in order to fulfill that, we are scrapping the challenge and there will be a new NON-LIVE challenge up tomorrow by 6pm EST.
For those of you who busted your ass in the challenge (you know who you are) you will find some Survivor Auction Bucks in your confessional. My Mystery Co-Host is making Auction threads in all of your confessionals and will be adding $ when you earn it.
Again, I apologize. I am human and do make mistakes . Thanks for your patience and understanding.
That is understandable and fair. Btw I'm sorry to anyone who was upset at my actions earlier. I was just frustrated and took my anger out on everyone even though none of you guys deserved it. I understand why what I did was not allowed and nothing lime this will happen again. Sorry to both hosts and Morgan. Pumped for the next challenge:0
what just happened??..sorry for not being online but there's a big difference between my timezone and most of your timezone.It wouldn't've been a problem to stay awake only if I knew it would've been a live challenge.
It's scrapped so why are you guys apologizing? It does not count. Like a challenge where someone played an idol and it does not count. So Morgan's win, does not count.
There were the same number of players on each side, so live or not, it happens in ORGs all the time, your all complaining because you lost fair and square.
what just happened??..sorry for not being online but there's a big difference between my timezone and most of your timezone.It wouldn't've been a problem to stay awake only if I knew it would've been a live challenge.
The reasoning behind it was because i mistyped NON-live instead of LIVE in the challenge announcement. To be fair in the rules, i said i would give ample warning for a live challenge. That is why we did it. That particular challenge will happen again, with a few revisions