See what she says, everyone knows when the time is called there is no more bids...time was called at 930, so therefore did you post after the clock switched to 930... YES.
The challenge runs for 24 hours starting from 9:30pm on Wednesday night until 9:30pm on Thursday night.
Since Proboards doesn't allow us to see seconds, there exists a bit of ambiguity in the time constraints.
So when KJ says "9:30pm", it covers all 60 seconds within that time.
What I'm saying is, "9:30:00pm" and "9:30:59pm" can both be considered "9:30pm".
Since we don't know the exact seconds of when the challenge started or should have started -- it was never clarified -- the end time should cover all the times under 9:30pm.
First of all, name calling such has happened in this thread is a violation of the Rules. If it happens again on either side, there will be consequences. I won't allow this in my games. You can be angry, or frustrated without calling people names, especially those names.
As far as whether someone was "Invisible" or not had no bearing on the outcome of the Auction. Just because you are invisible, doesn't mean your posts aren't logged or show up. There was no rule about this, so I see no problem with it. Anyone could have been invisible or visible. It really didn't matter.
Secondly, Michelles posts were both at 9:30 EST on the dot which is legit. This ruling is final. I am going by my screen and here is my screenshot of my screen at the close of the action on Michelle's posts only.
IF you have issues with my decisions, I am sorry, but they are final.
I will message you what you won with an explanation of what it's about shortly.